In the lab, there can be literally hundreds of tasks to stay on top of throughout the work week. The Dashboard takes the guess work out of the scheduling.
If something’s due, the Dashboard will present it front and center. Using an electronic system means THE SYSTEM will now do the thinking and timing for you.

Combined Tasks
We’ve done a lot of work to make sure that the Dashboard user interface is quick and easy to use. Other systems require you to jump from instrument to instrument and search for the tasks you need to perform. With, everything can be done from one central dashboard view. Simply mark the task as complete, and the next task will slide into view.

Don’t need to see everything? Set the filters for the Site, Department or even the Unit you care about, and the system will not bother you with the rest.

Electronic Lab Logs
Our software platform is making the Maintenance and QC tracking both efficient and simple!
We help you stay organized and on top of all your scheduled tasks in one easy-to-use platform. can help you standardize your lab and put your mind at ease.
Got 30 minutes?
A 30-minute Demo will have you convinced. Let us paint a picture of what your lab could look like without paper logs lying around!
Click here to setup a quick demo and you’ll have all the info you need to get started using LabLogs in your system.